1    Human Health and Marine Mammal RISK ASSESSMENT


This Annex presents the methodology utilised in the risk assessments performed on data gathered as part of the bioaccumulation assessment.  Included in this Annex are the detailed results of the Human Health Risk Assessment and the Ecological Risk Assessment.





2.1    The Components of Risk Assessment


Risk assessment can be divided into four major steps:


·         hazard identification;

·         dose-response evaluation;

·         exposure assessment;

·         risk characterisation.


Each is discussed in the following sections.



2.2    Hazard Identification


2.2.1    Introduction


Hazard identification is the process of determining whether exposure to a chemical could cause an increase in adverse health effects.  It involves characterising the nature and quantity of possible contaminant releases to the environment, selecting a set of Contaminants of Concern (COC), gathering and evaluating data on the types of health injury or disease that may be produced by a contaminant, and gathering and evaluating data on the conditions of exposure under which injury or disease is produced.


This section presents a framework for the evaluation of the potential human health and ecological effects resulting from ingestion of contaminants contained within the edible portion of organisms.  The estimation of contaminant levels within the edible portion of organisms has been conducted as part of the bioaccumulation assessment, which is detailed separately in Annex B.


Some of the COCs are known carcinogens, whereas, others are not considered to be carcinogenic but cause other toxic effects.  There are also COCs that cause both toxic responses and are known to be carcinogenic.  Assessment criteria have been developed for each type of toxicological effect and are discussed in later sections.


2.2.2    Contaminants of Concern


The contaminants of concern adopted for use in this study are those included in ETWBTCW 34/2002.  Information on the toxic effects of each of the COCs can be found at the following sources.


·         EVS (1996b) Classification and Testing of Sediments for Marine Disposal.  Prepared for CED.

·         EVS (1996c) Contaminated Mud Disposal at East of Sha Chau: Comparative Integrated Risk Assessment.  Prepared for CED.

·         Aspinwall Clouston Ltd (1998) A Study of Tributyltin Contamination of the Marine Environment of Hong Kong.  Prepared for EPD.

·         Irwin RJ, M VanMouwerik, L Stevens, MD Seese & W Basham (1998) Environmental Contaminants Encyclopaedia. National Park Service, Water Resources Division, Water Operations Branch, Colorado.

·         Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), US EPA.

·         ERM (2002) Environmental Monitoring and Audit  for Contaminated Mud Pit IV at East of Sha Chau.  Final Report submitted to the Civil Engineering Department.



2.3    Dose Response Evaluation


Dose-response evaluation involves quantifying the relationship between the degree of exposure to a substance and the extent of toxic injury or disease.  The majority of data are derived from animal studies in the laboratory or, less frequently, from studies in exposed human populations.  There may be many different dose-response relationships for a substance if it produces different toxic effects under different conditions of exposure.  The risks of a substance cannot be ascertained with any degree of confidence unless dose-response relationships are quantified, even if the substance is known to be "toxic".  Such dose-response relationships have been established for various COCs for exposures to humans but with varying degrees of certainty.  Exposures to species such as Sousa chinensis are less accurately quantified and few published dose-response relationships are available for marine mammals.


2.3.1    Categorisation of Human Health Effects


For the purpose of the assessment, the effects of the substances listed in Section 2.2.2 have been classified into two categories, ie non-carcinogenic effects or carcinogenic effects to humans.  Substances are included within both categories if they exhibit both types of effect.


Non-Carcinogenic Health Effects

One of the fundamental principles of toxicology is the dose-response relationship.  For virtually all toxic substances, there is a direct relationship between the exposure level (and duration) and the severity of the effects produced.  As the exposure level (and/or duration period) is lowered, for the great majority of toxic effects, a point is reached at which no detectable effect occurs.  This is termed the threshold dose or No Adverse Effects Level (NOAEL).


In laboratory experiments non-carcinogens display NOAELs as the animals under testing can tolerate doses below a certain finite value, with only a limited chance of the expression of toxic effects.  NOAELs themselves are not directly used for human health criteria as the NOAELs relate to toxicity observed in animal bioassays and may not adequately protect the most sensitive receivers in human populations (eg embryos).  In order to develop criteria for human health Uncertainty Factors (UFs) (USEPA 1989) are applied to the NOAEL data in order to insure that risks are over-estimated rather than underestimated.  For example, extrapolation of animal toxicity response doses to humans utilises two safety factors of ten, the first for animal-to-human extrapolation and the second for variation of sensitivities within the human population.


The human health criteria developed after application of the UFs are referred to as Reference Doses (RfDs).  The RfD, promulgated by the US EPA, is an estimate of the daily exposure which appears to present a low risk of adverse effects during an exposure to the most sensitive members of the receiving population.  The purpose of the RfD is to provide a benchmark against which other doses might be compared.  Doses which are less than the RfD are not likely to be of concern.  Doses which are significantly greater (ie at least one order of magnitude) than the RfD may indicate that inadequate margins of safety could exist for exposure to that chemical.  The RfD is an approximate number, and while doses higher than the RfD have a higher probability of producing an adverse effect, it should not be inferred that such doses are, by definition, unacceptable or of concern.  For the ingestion route, the RfD is expressed in units of mg kg (body weight)-1 day-1, ie mg kg-1 day -1.  A summary of RfDs for the COCs is presented in Table 2.3a.  Table 2.3a also indicates the carcinogenic class of each COC according to the US EPA classification system which comprises the following categories:


·       Class A human carcinogen

·       Class B probable human carcinogen:

B1     indicates limited human evidence;

B2     indicates sufficient evidence in animals and inadequate or no evidence in humans

·       Class C possible human carcinogen

·       Class D evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans


Table 2.3a  Toxicity Information Taken from Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)


Oral RfD

Mg kg-1 day-1

Oral Slope Factor mg kg-1 day-1

US EPA Carcinogenic Class




Class A, human carcinogen




Class B1, probable human carcinogen






Class D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity for oral exposure of Cr (VI), Class D also for Cr (III)




Class D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity




Class B2, probable human carcinogen for lead and compounds (inorganic)




Class C for methyl mercury and mercuric chloride, Class D for elemental mercury




Class A for nickel refinery dust and nickel subsulphide via inhalation, Class B2 for nickel carbonyl.  Slope factor is derived from a draft value for inhalation and oral exposure from Californian/EPA database and is not endorsed by USEPA.




Class D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity




Class D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity




No information on carcinogenicity available on IRIS




Class D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity




Class D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity




Class B2, probable human carcinogen




Class B2, probable human carcinogen




Class B2, probable human carcinogen




Class B2, probable human carcinogen




Class D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity




Class D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity




Class D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity


No information available

Class D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity





Class C, possible human carcinogen




Class B2, probable human carcinogen




Class B2, probable human carcinogen








Class B2, probable human carcinogen




Class D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity

Source:            Integrated Risk Information System, USEPA (www.epa.gov/ngispgm3/iris).

Notes:  (a) as inorganic arsenic, (b) specific RfD for food intake, (c) Cr (VI) was used in the risk assessment, (d) Cr (III), (e) value derived from HEAST reported water quality criteria, (f) no IRIS or HEAST for Hg, converted 0.0003 for HgCl2 by * 0.739, RfD for MeHg is 0.0001, (g) as soluble salts, (h) as tributyltin oxide.


Carcinogenic Health Effects


For carcinogenic contaminants there are theoretical grounds for presuming that there may not be a true NOAEL.  A carcinogenic health effect can be produced through the mechanisms of initiation or promotion.  Genotoxic substances induce cancers by causing mutations in DNA, whereas non-genotoxic substances cause initiated cells to proliferate or differentiate.  The two mechanisms differ in that their modes of action lead to fundamentally different techniques of risk assessment.  On the one hand, genotoxic substances are generally treated as carcinogens for which there is no threshold below which carcinogenic effects are not manifested; in other words, zero risk is only associated with zero exposure.  However, non-genotoxic substances are treated as substances which can be tolerated by the receptor up to some finite concentration or dose, beyond which toxic effects are then manifested.  In this study, we have assumed a non-threshold approach for all carcinogens, ie all carcinogens are considered to be genotoxic.  This is a conservative assumption.


Where a no effect level cannot be demonstrated experimentally, mathematical models have been developed, particularly in the US, to enable a worst case extrapolation from high doses to much lower exposures to be made.  Using such calculations, the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has also ranked substances causing cancer in animals using so called Slope Factors (SF) (formerly known as Cancer Potency Factors). 


The SFs can be used to estimate the excess lifetime cancer risks associated with various levels of exposure to potential human carcinogens.  The SF is a number which when multiplied by the lifetime average daily dose per kilogram body weight of a potential carcinogen, yields the lifetime cancer risk resulting from exposure at that dose.  In practice, slope factors are derived from the results of human epidemiological studies or chronic animal bioassays.  The data from animal studies are fitted to linearised multistage models and a dose-response curve is obtained.  The slope in the low dose range is subjected to various adjustments, and an interspecies scaling factor is applied to derive the slope factor for humans.  The SF is used to determine the number of tumours likely to occur at low doses below which experimental data do not exist.  The extrapolation is forced through the origin since for carcinogens NOAELs are not predicted to occur, ie only zero exposure equals zero risk.


Among the potential contaminants of concern are several substances that exhibit route-specific toxicity.  Inhalation of cadmium, chromiumVI and nickel has been associated with increased incidence of cancer in animals and/or humans.  There is no adequate evidence, however of systematic carcinogenic effects following oral exposure to these compounds, because the substances may not be available for absorption through the gastrointestinal tract, or may cause lung cancer by a mechanism which has no parallel in the gastrointestinal tract.  In this assessment we are mainly concerned with evaluating risks associated with the ingestion of seafood and hence only the oral SFs are of interest.  Oral SFs are summarised above in Table 2.3a.


2.3.2    Categorisation of Effects to Marine Mammals


Previous reports (EVS 1996 b and c, ERM 2002) have summarised the risks to marine organisms from exposure to several heavy metals.  In general, the toxic effects of metals in marine organisms may include mortality, carcinogenicity, growth retardation, reduced reproduction, effects on blood chemistry, neurological and developmental effects, and behavioural effects.  Various organic contaminants may cause reproductive impairment, systemic pathology, and cancer in cetaceans, including Sousa chinensis (Leland and Kuwabara 1985; Marsili et al 1997).


Although some of the metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and nickel) in some forms and DDT and PCBs are considered possible human carcinogens, information is not available for deriving non-human carcinogenicity factors (SFs).  Therefore, this assessment is based on risks of systemic toxicity, including reproductive effects.  Estimated doses from the ingestion of contaminated prey species were compared to Toxicity Reference Values (TRV) to determine the potential risk to Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins associated with the consumption of contaminated prey.  The TRV is a maximum acceptable ingestion rate in mg kg-1 day-1 of a chemical in food of the species of concern, in this case, the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin.  To derive a TRV, it is necessary to perform a feeding study in which food containing different concentrations of the contaminant of concern (the doses) is fed to large numbers of test animals, usually mice or rats.  Alternatively, a TRV can be estimated from a food chain model if the absorption efficiency of the chemical from the food is known and the critical body residue (the concentration in tissues associated with adverse effects) of the chemical is known or can be estimated.


Although it would be ideal to use TRVs derived for the specific species being evaluated (ie the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin), there are presently no available feeding studies on cetaceans from which to estimate a TRV.  In addition, only limited data are available on the concentrations of 22 metals and several organochlorine compounds (PCBs and chlorinated pesticides) in tissues of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins from Hong Kong waters (Appendix C-1).


There is a large published scientific literature on the concentrations of several metals and organic contaminants in tissues of cetaceans throughout the world.  In a few cases, the concentrations of contaminants in cetacean tissues are related to various pathological conditions.  However, nearly always, the cetaceans with pathological conditions contain several contaminants at high concentrations in their tissues.  Thus, it is not possible to derive a cetacean-specific TRV for chemicals in cetacean tissues, based on tissue residue data alone.  The TRV values are adjusted for weight and metabolic rate differences between the species of concern and the test species by a scaling factor (see below) following the standard approach used to derive the oral reference doses (RfDs) for toxic chemicals in human food.  In essence the TRV values act as RfDs for marine mammals but have been derived using the body weight scaling factor instead of the uncertainty factors used in the human health assessment.


In general, when selecting toxicity studies for use in TRV derivation, the most important information to evaluate (in addition to the overall quality and reliability of the study) is:  mode of exposure (ie ingestion vs inhalation or gavage); endpoint evaluated (ie reproductive effects vs behavioural effects); duration of study (ie chronic vs acute); and lifestage of test organism evaluated.  It should be noted that the TRVs have been derived to take into account chronic lifetime exposure to contaminants.  The TRVs also take into account the potential for bioaccumulation of contaminants (such as mercury, PCBs, DDT) by marine mammals.  Other factors, such as the specific species evaluated is less important to the overall conclusions regarding toxicity because it is assumed that most chemicals follow a similar mode of action in all mammalian species.  Typically, laboratory toxicological studies are conducted using relatively small mammals such as mice, rats, or mink due to the space limitations associated with larger animals.  Although as noted, differences in body weight can result in differences in toxic response to chemicals, it has been demonstrated that these differences can be accounted for by using a body weight scaling factor as follows (Sample et al 1996):


TRVr = NOAELt (Bwt/Bwr)1/4



TRVr = Toxicity reference value for receptor species (mg kg-1 wet wt day-1)

NOAELt = No observed adverse effect level for test species (mg kg-1 wet wt day-1)

Bwr = Body weight of the receptor species (kg wet wt)

Bwt = Body weight of the test species (kg wet wt)


Using this scaling factor, TRVs were derived for the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin based on NOAELs from mammalian species used as surrogates (Table  2.3b).  Sample et al (1996) conducted an extensive review of the available mammalian literature, carefully evaluating both the overall quality and reliability of the study as well as the parameters described above.  Therefore, the NOAEL values provided are representative and appropriately conservative for the purpose of deriving TRVs. 

Table 2.3b  Derivation of toxicity reference values (TRV) for the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin.  The TRV is derived by scaling the toxic dose from the test mammal to the dolphin.  The unit for NOAELs and TRVs are mg kg-1 wet wt day-1.



Test Species

Test Species wt (kg)









Schroeder & Mitchner 1971







Sutou et al 1980


Chromium (Cr3+)





Sample et al  1996







Aulerich et al 1982







Azar et al 1973







Aulerich et al 1974







Ambrose et al 1976







USEPA 1999b







Schlicker & Cox 1968


Naphthalene a





USEPA 1999a


Total PCB





Aulerich & Ringer 1977



a.        A human health RfD was used as the basis for the TRV in the absence of a mammalian NOAEL.  This value was applied to both Low and High MW PAHs

b.        In the absence of data for DDE, values for DDT were applied.

c.        In the absence of chemical-specific data, values for tributyltin were applied.


The NOAEL values of Sample et al (1996) are conservative enough that additional uncertainty factors were not applied.  Typically, uncertainty factors are applied to provide a more conservative toxicity estimate when essential processes or toxicodynamic factors are not understood.  Uncertainty factors can be applied for various reasons, such as deriving no-observed-adverse-effect levels (NOAEL) from less conservative toxicity endpoints such as lowest-observed-adverse-effect levels (LOAEL) and acute toxicity values.  An uncertainty factor can be applied to a TRV if toxicity data for one species (the test species) is used to evaluate effects in a second species (the wildlife receptor of concern).  Specific values of uncertainty factors applied to TRVs generally are not based on science, but are chosen because they are simple (ie usually integer values) and result in conservative risk assessments.  The most recent national EPA guidelines for ecological risk assessment (US EPA 1998) qualitatively discuss empirical approaches to the use of uncertainty factors, but do not propose a specific approach for uncertainty factor application.  The national guidelines also note that "uncertainty factors can be misused, especially when used in an overly conservative fashion, as when chains of factors are multiplied together without sufficient justification" (US EPA 1998).


In deriving the TRV values used to evaluate risk to the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin, the focus is on studies in which a chronic NOAEL value was reported.  In the event that a chronic NOAEL was not available, a chronic LOAEL was selected, and an uncertainty factor of 10 was applied as discussed by Sample et al (1996).  No acute values were considered, therefore, an additional uncertainty factor is not required.  In addition, a body-weight scaling factor was applied (Sample et al 1996) to account for interspecies differences.   Application of an additional uncertainty factor would assume that the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin is always more sensitive to the chemical of concern than the test species for which the TRV was derived.  However, there are no empirical data available to support this assumption.  In fact, there is evidence that cetaceans are more tolerant than terrestrial mammals to some metals, such as mercury and cadmium (1) (2) (3) (4).  These and some other metals (e.g. silver) accumulated from food are sequestered in the tissues (mostly liver for mercury and silver and kidney for cadmium) as insoluble, inert particles that are not toxic. Only when the sequestration capacity of the tissues is exceeded do the metals accumulate in toxic forms in tissues.  Therefore, the approach as described is appropriately conservative to be protective of potential adverse effects.


2.3.3    Selection of Assessment Endpoints and Measures of Effect (Measurement Endpoints)


Human Health Endpoints


Measurement endpoints for the human health risk assessment will include:


·         Incidence of cancer in humans (for carcinogenic substances); and,

·         Incidence of chronic conditions in humans (for non-carcinogenic substances).


Sousa chinensis Endpoints

In this case, Sousa chinensis has been identified as the ecological receptor of concern.  As it is an endangered species the assessment must be focused on evaluating impacts to individual organisms.  Using the criteria presented, two assessment endpoints have been identified for this ecological risk assessment:


·         Health of individual Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins frequenting the East of Sha Chau Area; and,

·         Reproductive viability of the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins inhabiting the East of Sha Chau Area.


For the purpose of this assessment, exposure parameters representing the “typical” or “average” individual were selected.  It is assumed that values protective of this individual will be protective of the majority of the exposed population.  Assessment endpoints can be evaluated through either direct or indirect measurements.  These measurements are referred to as measures of effect.  Measures of effect are measurable responses to stressors that may affect the characteristic component of the assessment endpoint (Suter 1990; Suter 1993).  For this assessment, the health and reproductive viability are the specific characteristics of the dolphin that are potentially at risk.  While some contaminants may influence both characteristics, other contaminants may affect only health or only reproductive viability.  By assessing the risk associated with each of the contaminants of concern both endpoints are addressed.



2.4    Exposure Assessment


2.4.1    Introduction


The purpose of an exposure assessment is to determine the intake of each COC by potentially exposed individuals.  In this study, this will involve characterisation of the major pathways for contaminant transport leading from the CMPs to the points of exposure.  Exposure evaluation considers various routes of contaminant release and migration from the CMPs to targeted populations by:


·         evaluating fate and transport processes for the contaminants;

·         establishing likely exposure scenarios for each medium (eg water, diet, etc);

·         determining the concentrations of the contaminants in each medium;

·         determining exposures to potentially affected populations; and,

·         calculating maximum short-term or average lifetime doses and resultant intakes.


The resultant doses to and intakes by potentially exposed populations are calculated once exposure concentrations in all relevant media have been determined.  Dose is defined as the amount of chemical contacting body boundaries (skin, lungs, or gastrointestinal tract) and intake is the amount of chemical absorbed by the body.  When the extent of intake from a given dose is unknown, or cannot be estimated defensibly, dose and intake are taken to be the same (ie 100 percent absorption from contact).  This is a highly conservative approach and there are very few instances in which 100% of a chemical is absorbed in this manner.


ERM has developed a conceptual model to aid the assessment of contaminant exposures to humans and dolphins (Figure 2.4a).  The model is used to illustrate the relationship between the stressors (contaminants of concern), and the receptors of concern (humans and Sousa chinensis).  The conceptual model integrates the available information to identify exposure pathways.  Each exposure pathway will include the stressor source (dredged material disposal activities), the stressor of concern (COCs), the exposure route (ingestion), and the receptor of concern (humans and Sousa chinensis).  The basic premise of the model is to evaluate the toxicological effects of the contaminants of concern associated with disposal activities at East of Sha Chau. 


Substances potentially migrating from the pit into the marine environment will be dispersed into the ambient environment and may potentially impact on human and dolphin populations through ingestion of contaminated sediment, ingestion of dissolved and suspended contaminants in water, ingestion of organisms with contaminant residues in their edible portions and through contact with water.  Of these four pathways the primary pathway of concern is considered to be that of the ingestion of contaminants contained within the edible portion of marine organisms.


The impact hypotheses for the assessment of human health risks are thus defined as follows:


IH1:   Risks to human health from consumption of commercial species captured adjacent to the proposed contaminated mud disposal facility are no greater than risks associated with consumption of species remote from the proposed facility;




IH2:   Risks to human health from consumption of commercial species captured adjacent to the proposed contaminated mud disposal facility are below the screening risk criterion.


The impact hypotheses for the assessment of ecological risks are defined as follows:


IH1:   Risks to dolphins from consumption of prey species captured adjacent to the proposed contaminated mud disposal facility are no greater than risks associated with consumption of species remote from the proposed facility;




IH2:   Risks to dolphins from consumption of prey species captured adjacent to the proposed facility are below the screening risk criterion.


2.4.2    Human Health Risk Assessment

The general equation used to estimate exposure is presented below:


Intake (mg kg-1 day-1)  = CF ´ IR ´ FI ´ EF ´ ED





CF = Contaminant Concentration in Fish and Shellfish (mg kg-1 ww)

IR = Ingestion Rate (kg day-1)

FI = Fraction Ingested from Contaminated Source (unitless)

EF = Exposure Frequency (day year-1 )

ED = Exposure Duration (years)

BW = Body Weight (kg)

AT = Averaging Time (period over which exposure is averaged - days)


The relative contributions of each dietary item to the total intake are then included in the calculation to give an indication of the overall exposure via fish and shellfish ingestion.  Input values have been calculated to reflect local conditions and are discussed below. 


Contaminant Concentration


The data incorporated into this assessment are the tissue contaminant concentrations obtained in the bioaccumulation assessment.  As discussed in Annex B these values represent the high end of the range as they are determined from worse case assumptions and are consequently expected to result in high-end estimates of risk.  Reference concentrations are also used in the assessment for comparison purpose. 


Ingestion Rate


The rate of ingestion of seafood is a key exposure variable for use in this risk assessment.  Seafood is known to be an important component of the diet of Hong Kong residents and it is estimated that the amount consumed daily is an order of magnitude higher than that consumed in other countries such as the US.  The seafood consumed in Hong Kong is derived from a wide variety of sources:


·         Imported from overseas in live, fresh, chilled, frozen, canned, preserved, salted, smoked or dried forms;

·         Landed by the Hong Kong fishing fleet but caught outside of Hong Kong waters; and,

·         Landed by the Hong Kong fishing fleet and caught within Hong Kong waters.


According to AFCD's Annual Report (AFD 1998a) and information provided by AFCD the amount of fisheries and seafood products consumed by the Hong Kong populace is 43 kg yr-1 capita-1.  Of this amount, 6.6 kg are freshwater fish which can be eliminated from the marine consumption total for this analysis, consequently the seafood consumption per capita is 36.4 kg yr-1 or 0.104 kg day-1 (36.4 ¸ 350 days).  It is assumed that this figure is based on the amount ingested (0.104 kg day-1) comprising the entire seafood product.  This figure is used to represent the average consumer of fish products.  For sectors of the population that consume comparatively more fisheries products, eg fishermen, the USEPA recommends using a gross consumption rate of 0.3kg day-1.  This rate is considered to be upper bound and is not expected to occur in reality.  Consequently the maximum consumption rate has only been applied to East of Sha Chau Fishermen for scenario using all 3 years of data.


The values above are likely to be an overestimate as the amount actually ingested will be lower due to molluscs, crustaceans and fish having shells, viscera and skeletal structures.  Conversion factors that can be used to convert gross seafood ingestion rates into tissue specific ingestion rates were presented in Shaw (1995).  These values were higher than those suggested for use by the US National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS 1987) because it was considered that in eastern cultures more of the seafood product is eaten, such as internal organs (eg swim bladder or crab hepatopancreas) that are not usually part of the western diet.  For the purposes of this risk assessment the following factors have been applied to calculate net ingestion rates for each dietary item:


·         Prawns = 0.88 (maximum value used by the NMFS 1987)

·         Swimming Crab = 0.22 (NMFS 1987)

·         All fish = 0.5 (NMFS 1987)

·         Bivalve = 1.0


The risk assessment calculations for ingestion rate were proportioned into the different dietary items.  It was assumed that the proportion of each dietary item in catches in Hong Kong would reflect the proportion in the diet of Hong Kong people.  The composition of the catch from the East of Sha Chau area was identified using data from AFCD's Fisheries Study (ERM 1998) presented below in Table 2.4a.  Values are also presented below for the composition of landings at Tuen Mun Port (the main port in the Study Area) and for the composition of catches taken in Hong Kong waters for comparison.  As can be seen from Table 2.4a the composition of catches from East of Sha Chau are broadly similar to those from the whole of Hong Kong and those landed at Tuen Mun Port. 


Table 2.4a  Composition of Catches (%) from Hong Kong, Tuen Mun Port & East of Sha Chau (ERM 1998)


Hong Kong Catch

Catch Landed at Tuen Mun Port

Catch from East of Sha Chau Area

Pelagic Fish




Predatory Fish

















After application of the conversion factor data and the catch composition/dietary fraction information presented above to the gross seafood consumption estimate of 0.104 kg day-1, individual ingestion rates can be calculated for each of the dietary items in terms of net consumption in kg day-1.  The resultant total net seafood consumption rate after application of the conversion factors is 0.0548 kg day-1.  Application of the conservation factors and catch fraction information to the maximum consumption rate of 0.3 kg day-1 results in a net consumption of 0.1580 kg day –1 (Table 2.4b).

Table 2.4b  Ingestion Rates (kg day-1) for Each Dietary Item (for an average consumer) – Average Consumer and Maximum Consumer (East of Sha Chau Fishermen)


Average Net Consumption (kg day-1)

Maximum Net Consumption (kg day-1)

Pelagic Fish




Predatory Fish





















Fraction Ingested from Contaminated Source


It is unlikely that 100% of the seafood consumed by an individual will be from the same source.  The Fraction Ingested (FI) value represents the fraction of total seafood ingested from the contaminated region of interest (ie the East of Sha Chau area).


The catch from the old AFCD fishing zones in the Study Area (0017, 0018, 0019, 0020, 0032, 0033, 0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0044, 0045) amounts to a total of 1,894 tonnes per year (AFD 1998a).  The total amount of seafood products consumed in Hong Kong per year was reported in AFCD's (AFCD 1999) information to ERM at 243,440 tonnes per year. 


The fraction of this amount obtained from the East of Sha Chau area is therefore 1,894 ¸ 243,440 = 0.0078.  This value is lower than that used by Shaw (1995) who based the fraction ingested on the amount caught in the East of Sha Chau area divided by the total landings (ie 1,894 ¸ 186,000 = 0.01).  This number appears to be an overestimate because the consumption rate of 36.4 kg yr-1 is based on all seafood products not just that landed by the Hong Kong fleet.  The AFCD Annual Report (AFD 1998a) has indicated that the total catch landed in Hong Kong is 186,000 tonnes per year of which 17,681 tonnes per year has been estimated to have been caught in Hong Kong waters (ERM 1998).  Estimates of the FI have been prepared for three exposure populations of concern, which are as follows:


Hong Kong People:  It is assumed that this population experience the average exposure to COCs in seafood.  The FI for this population is represented by the value derived above, ie 0.0078.  This indicates that 0.78% of the seafood consumed by Hong Kong people is obtained in the East of Sha Chau area.  Information on the contribution of seafood to the total diet of Hong Kong People is not needed in this risk assessment as the methodology is concerned with the effects of contaminants in the edible portion of seafood on human health.  This population is comparable to the Central Tendency used in previous risk assessments (Shaw 1995; EVS 1996a) and follows the method used during the CMP IV EM&A Programme (ERM 2002).


Hong Kong Fishermen:  Calculating the values for this population is more speculative due to uncertainties over the amount of a fisherman's diet that is composed of seafood.  The US EPA estimate that 75% of a fishermen's diet will originate from within local waters (defined as the whole of Hong Kong).  10.7% of the Hong Kong catch comes from East of Sha Chau (1,894t/17,681t) the FI is set at 0.08 (10.7% ´ 75%).  This indicates that 8% of the seafood consumed by Hong Kong Fishermen is obtained in the East of Sha Chau area.  This population is comparable to the Reasonable Maximum Exposure used in previous risk assessments (Shaw 1995; EVS 1996a). 


East of Sha Chau Fishermen:  For this population it is assumed again that 75% of the diet is obtained in local waters, but this time local refers to catches landed at the home port within the East of Sha Chau area (Tuen Mun).  The fishing fleet that operate from Tuen Mun obtain 65% of their catch within the East of Sha Chau area.  Hence the FI for these fishermen is estimated at 0.49 (65% x 75%). This indicates that 49% of the seafood consumed by East of Sha Chau Fishermen is obtained in the East of Sha Chau area.   This population is comparable to the Sensitive Subpopulation used in previous risk assessments (Shaw 1995; EVS 1996a). 


Combining the FI values for each population of concern with the information on catch breakdown provides FI estimates for each food type.  These values are presented below in Table 2.4c. 



Table 2.4c  Fraction Ingested from the East of Sha Chau Area for Three Populations of Concern


% of Catch

HK people

FI = 0.0078

HK Fishermen

FI = 0.08

Tuen Mun Fishermen

FI = 0.49

Pelagic Fish





Predatory Fish






















Exposure Frequency


The exposure frequency is the average number of days per year over which an individual is exposed to one or more COCs via ingestion of seafood.  A value of 350 days, as specified by the USEPA (USEPA 1991) for long term average contact, has been assumed for this assessment.


Exposure Duration


The exposure duration is the time period in years over which an individual is exposed to one or more contaminants in seafood from East of Sha Chau.  For the purposes of this assessment we have adopted the lifetime of the facility, ie 8 years.


Body Weight


US EPA guidelines for risk assessment (US EPA 1989) indicate that the default value recommended for body weight (BW) is 70 kg.  However, Asians are in general smaller in stature than their Caucasian counterparts, so it is considered that the US EPA default value would not be representative of the Hong Kong population.  A value of 60 kg was assumed for body weight to represent the local Hong Kong population as determined by Shaw (1995).


Averaging Time


The averaging time (AT) is another important parameter of the intake equation.  The AT selected will depend on the type of constituent being evaluated, for example, to assess long term or chronic effects associated with exposure to noncarcinogens, the intake is averaged over the exposure duration (expressed in days).  Exposure to carcinogens, however, is averaged over a lifetime in order to be consistent with the approach used to develop Slope Factors (SFs).  A value of 70 years was assumed for mean life expectancy according to the default value used by the US EPA. 




A summary of the values incorporated into the human health risk assessment are presented below in Table 2.4d.


Table 2.4d  Summary of Input Parameters for Intake Equation



Contaminant Concentration in Seafood (CF)

Presented in Section 3.2

Ingestion Rate (IR)

0.0548 kg day-1

Fraction Ingested from East of Sha Chau (FI)

Values for each population presented in Table 2.4c

Exposure Frequency (EF)

350 days yr-1

Exposure Duration (ED)

·          8 years

Body Weight (BW)

60 kg

Averaging Time (AT)

·          2920 days (8 years x 365 days = 2920 days) non-carcinogens

·          25,550 days (carcinogen - assuming a 70 year life expectancy)



2.4.3    Dolphin Risk Assessment


The data from the bioaccumulation assessment of COCs in potential prey species of the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin were used to estimate doses received via the dolphin diet.  An average dose from the total diet was estimated by determining the fraction of the total dolphin diet derived of each category of food (eg prawns, crabs, predatory fish, pelagic fish) and summing the tissue concentration values for each category multiplied by the fraction of that category in the dolphin diet.  As previously discussed, the intent of this evaluation is to provide a determination of the potential risks to the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin population in the North Lantau waters of Hong Kong, resulting from dredged material disposal in the proposed contaminated mud disposal facilities.  The exposure pathway is assumed to be consumption of contaminated food by dolphins residing in potentially impacted areas near the mud pits, and in reference areas.  The methodology is designed to provide a conservative estimate of the risks to Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins.  For the purpose of this assessment, dose estimates were derived for the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin according to the following equation:


Dose = (PC x IR x SRT x FI x ED) / BW x AT



Dose  =        Chemical-specific ingested dose (mg kg-1 day-1)

PC     =        Concentration of chemical in prey item (mg kg-1)

IR      =        Ingestion Rate (kg day-1)

BW    =       Body weight of dolphin (kg)

SRT   =       Site Residency Time (day year-1)

FI      =        Fraction Ingested (unitless)

ED    =       Exposure Duration (years)

AT     =        Averaging Time (period over which exposure is averaged - days)


Due to lack of data previous risk assessments have assumed that the dolphins spend 100% of their time feeding at the mud pits throughout their lifespan.  Information presented in the Baseline Conditions section of this EIA (Part 1, Section 4) would indicate that the two proposed mud pit areas are not as frequently used as reference areas to the north around Lung Kwu Chau.  Consequently we have adopted values as follows:


·         Reference Area site residency time = 100 % = 365 days (FI = 1)

·         Airport East site residency time = 10 % = 36.5 days (FI = 0.1)

·         East of Sha Chau site residency time = 50 % = 182.5 days (FI = 0.5)


The rationale for the selection of the body weight and ingestion rate parameter values is presented below.  Concentrations of contaminants in the prey items are presented in Section 3.


Body Weight (BW)


Available data on the body weight of the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin is variable. Zongguo (1996) reported adult body weights ranging from 120 to 240 kg for females, and from 110 to 230 for males.  These data were based on 36 dolphins collected in Xiamen Harbour in 1961.  In southern African waters, average adult body weights for humpback dolphins range from 170 kg for females to 260 kg for males (Cockroft 1996).  Based on these data, an average body weight of 185 kg was assumed for the purpose of this assessment.  This weight represents a high estimate of the average body weight of all age classes in the East of Sha Chau dolphin population. 


Ingestion Rate


For the purpose of this evaluation, the ingestion rate of the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin was assumed to be similar to that of humpback and bottlenose dolphins.  Data for these species indicate that they consume approximately four percent to six percent of their body weight per day (Parsons 1996).  An ingestion rate of 9 kg day-1 was used for this assessment, assuming a body weight of 185 kg and an average ingestion rate of five percent of body weight per day.  The values for the ingestion rate and body weight were selected based on the available literature.  It is important to note that the risk assessment methodology is designed to evaluate potential risks to a representative individual of an affected population.  For the purpose of this assessment, exposure parameters representing the ‘typical’ or ‘average’ individual were selected.  It is assumed that values protective of this individual will be protective of the majority of the exposed population.


Averaging Time & Exposure Duration


The averaging time (AT) is another important parameter of the intake equation.  The AT is expressed in days, ie 8 years for the lifetime of the facility multiplied by the days in the year, ie 8 x 365 = 2920 days).  Exposure to carcinogens, however, is averaged over a lifetime in order to be consistent with the approach used to develop Slope Factors (SFs).  A value of 70 years was assumed for mean life expectancy according to the default value used by the US EPA. 


2.4.4    Arsenic in Marine Organisms


The dose calculations have been modified to account for the level of organic Arsenic present in seafood.  The RfD and TRV values for Arsenic are based on the toxic effect of inorganic arsenic.  Arsenic in marine cephalopod, crustacean, and fish tissues is, however, predominantly in the form of organo-arsenic compounds, primarily arsenobetaine (Neff 1997).  These organo-arsenic compounds are not accumulated in tissues of mammalian consumers, including dolphins and humans, and are not toxic.  Arsenobetaine was excreted unmetabolized in the urine of male mice (Kaise and Fukui 1992).  The median lethal dose (LD50) of arsenobetaine in the mice was greater than 10 g kg-1 body wt (10,000 ppm).  Other organo-arsenic compounds evaluated had LD50 values ranging from 1.2 to 10.6 g kg-1.  By comparison, the acute toxicity of arsenic trioxide (the form of arsenic used to derive both the Human Health RfD and the Marine Mammal TRV) was 34.5 mg kg-1. 


Therefore, the naturally high concentrations of Arsenic in the tissues of marine organisms do not pose a risk to either humans or Indo-pacific Humpbacked dolphins.  It is rapidly excreted unchanged in the urine of mammals and so does not bioaccumulate.  Arsenobetaine is not easily converted to the inorganic arsenite form which is of concern due to cancer risk.  It can therefore be considered that the results of the risk assessment for Arsenic may be an overestimation of the likely risks associated with the consumption of seafood given that the Arsenic consumed is in a toxic form.


Estimations of the inorganic Arsenic fraction of seafood components of the risk assessment have previously been determined during the monitoring works at CMP IV ([6]).  The data were obtained by chemical analysis of samples collected January and February 2000.  The mean percentage of total Arsenic that is represented by the inorganic fraction was calculated for each of the human health risk assessment groupings.  At that time no tissue samples were collected for prawns and hence the ratio from mantis shrimps was used.  This is considered to be an appropriate assumption given the ecological and taxonomic similarity between the two organisms.  The following ratios were applied to the total Arsenic data:


·     Prawns and Mantis Shrimps = Total Arsenic (mg kg-1) x 0.535 %

·     Swimming Crabs = Total Arsenic (mg kg-1) x 0.285 %

·     Flatfish = Total Arsenic (mg kg-1) x 0.265 %

·     Burrowing Fish = Total Arsenic (mg kg-1) x 1.895 %

·     Demersal/Pelagic Fish = Total Arsenic (mg kg-1) x 0.650 %

·     Gastropod = Total Arsenic (mg kg-1) x 5.215 %


For the purposes of this risk assessment the highest value 5% from the gastropod has been applied to the Arsenic values from the Bioaccumulation Assessment (Annex B).  The corrected data were then used in the risk assessment.



2.5    Risk Characterisation


2.5.1    Introduction


Risk characterisation generally involves the integration of the information and analysis of the first three components of the assessment, as discussed in Sections 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.  Risk is generally characterised as follows:


·         For non-carcinogens, and for the non-carcinogenic effects of carcinogens, the margin of exposure is estimated by dividing an estimated daily dose by a derived "safe" dose to form a ratio.  This ratio is referred to as a Hazard Quotient and if it is greater than one there is sufficient concern for further analysis. 


·         For carcinogens, risk is estimated by multiplying the estimated dose by the risk per unit of dose.  A range of risks might be produced, using different models and assumptions about dose-response curves and the relative susceptibilities of humans and animals.


Although this step can be more complex than is indicated above, especially if issues of the timing and duration of exposure are introduced, the hazard quotient and the carcinogenic risk are the ultimate measures of the likelihood of injury or disease from a given exposure or range of exposures.  This section describes the approach used to assess the overall risks of fish and shellfish ingestion to humans and dolphins.  The approaches used are independent of each other to a large degree, and are presented separately.


2.5.2    Human Exposure


The intakes, calculated using the data presented in Table 2.4c and the equation in Section 2.4.2, will be compared with the Reference Doses (RfD) (see Table 2.3a) as a means of calculating non-carcinogenic hazards, which are expressed as the Hazard Quotient (HQ).


             Hazard Quotient =     Intake   

                                                Reference Dose


HQs can be summed to provide an estimate of the cumulative non-carcinogenic hazard which is known as the Hazard Index (HI).  This is a conservative approach and assumes that all of the COCs exert an effect on the same target organ. 







Carcinogenic risks will be calculated using the following equation:


        Risk = Intake x Slope Factor


This equation will provide an estimate of the lifetime carcinogenic risk associated with the estimated intake. 


Additive Effects


Concern is often expressed about the hazard to health from exposure to mixtures of substances, rather than individual substances.  There is no agreed procedure among toxicologists for estimating such a hazard.  The toxic effects of two substances in combination may be the sum of the individual toxicities (ie additive), more than the sum (ie synergistic), or less than the sum (ie antagonistic).  Synergism appears to be, in practice, a very much less common phenomenon than a noticeable combined effect or an additive effect.  However, since there is a lack of direct data on most chemical combinations, the most reasonable strategy is to assume that chemicals which affect the same target organisms, in a similar manner, will have additive toxicities.


The available literature on such effects is very limited and, where it does exist, is largely restricted to the behaviour of metals in experimental animals.  The application of such data to human studies is, at best, questionable.  In the absence of any reasonable scientific basis for predicting antagonistic or synergistic reactions in complex mixtures, only examination of an additive model of toxicity is considered to be justified.


There are two related methods of making some quantitative assessment of the toxic impact of a mixture.  The first, that is recommended by the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE), is to use the following equation:


C1 + C2 + C3 + ... Cn =   X

 L1      L2      L3          Ln             


Where C1, C2, C3...Cn are the concentrations of each contaminant in food and L1, L2, L3...Ln = the "safe levels" of each, ie the reference dose RfD.  If the total X is less than one, the mixture is considered not to represent a health hazard; whereas if X is greater than one, steps should be taken to reduce the concentrations of one or more of the contaminants.


For carcinogens, a conservative approach is achieved using the "response-addition" process, which simply sums the individual lifetime risks linearly to reflect the combined potential of cancer should a person be exposed to all of the substances over a lifetime.


       Total Excess Cancer Risk  = Risk 1 + Risk 2 + Risk 3 + ... Risk" n"




Risk 1 = Individual excess cancer risk from a lifetime exposure from the first



Risk "n" = Individual risk of additional substances.


While the "response-addition" process is encouraged as a "first-cut" or screen to indicate that a cancer may occur from the exposure to multiple substances, it should be remembered that the conservative nature of risk assessments for individual substances can be exaggerated by this additive approach.


2.5.3    Exposures to Dolphins


For each contaminant, a hazard quotient will be calculated using the following ratios (US EPA 1997):


HQ = Dose/TRV




HQ    hazard quotient for individual chemicals

Dose estimated contaminant concentration ingested through consumption of prey items (mg contaminant kg wet body weight-1 day-1); and,

TRV  the toxicity reference value (defined in Section 2.3.2, Table 2.3b) mg kg-1 wet weight day-1



2.6    Assumptions & Uncertainties


The risk estimates generated in this investigation are based on a considerable number of assumptions, uncertainties and variability associated with each step in the risk assessment process.  According to US EPA guidelines these assumptions and uncertainties should be presented along with the results so that a fully informed picture is given to decision makers (US EPA 1989; LaGrega et al 1994).


Hazard Identification:  This stage is based on data for which detection, identification and quantification limits could introduce errors.  The selection of COCs in this assessment was made according to the list presented in Study Brief which, though not an exhaustive list appears sufficiently comprehensive for the purposes of this assessment.  Other chemicals may pose a threat to human and/or dolphin health and exclusion from this investigation does not infer that they are not of concern. 


Dose-Response Evaluation:  The toxicity assessment stage has a very high degree of uncertainty associated with the slope factors and reference doses.  In future assessments the toxicological information should be revisited and updated using the latest available information.  For example, the slope factor for Nickel was formulated by the Californian EPA.  The slope factor is draft and not endorsed by the USEPA and represents both oral and inhalation exposures.  At present there is considerable uncertainty as to the elements carcinogenicity through this exposure pathway.  Any estimate is therefore conservative and may be overly protective as for most metals inhalation slope factors are generally an order of magnitude higher than oral slope factors.


Exposure Assessment:  This stage depends heavily on the assumptions made about the pathways, frequency and duration of exposure to COCs. 


Risk Characterisation:  The computation of screening-level risk is an exercise in applied probability of extremely rare events, therefore not every conceivable outcome can be evaluated.  This introduces an inherent conservatism which often results in assessing a scenario that will never be experienced.


In summary, risk assessment by design is very protective of human and ecological health by ensuring that potential exposures and risks are not understated.  Despite varying degrees on uncertainty surrounding risk assessments, they represent the most useful tool that can be used to determine and protectively manage the risk to human and ecological health.



Annex C – Appendix A            International Literature Review on Marine Mammals



 (1)                  Caurant, F. and C. Amiard-Triquet (1995) Cadmium contamination in pilot whales Globicephala melas: source and potential hazard to the species. Mar.Pollut. Bull. 30:207-210.

 (2)                  Caurant, F., M. Navarro, and J.-C. Amiard (1996) Mercury in pilot whales: possible limits to the detoxification process. Sci. Tot. Environ. 186:95-104.

 (3)                  Nigro, M. and C. Leonzio (1996) Intracellular storage of mercury and selenium in different marine vertebrates. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 135:137-143.

 (4)                  Palmisano, F., N. Cardellicchio, and P.G. Zambonin (1995) Speciation of mercury in dolphin liver: a two-stage mechanism for the demethylation accumulation process and role of selenium. Mar. Environ. Res. 40:109-121.

 (5) ([6]) ERM (2000)  EM&A for CMP IV at East of Sha Chau.  10th Quarterly Report for CED.